
Tuesday, October 30

Electron Crystallography, Fast and Efficient Method for Defining Chemical Structure

Image of Structure of thiostrepton
Chemical Stuff: Structure of antibiotic Thiosterpton (Cabon-Grey, Oxygen-Red, Sulphur-Yellow, Nitrogen-Blue) determined using electron crystallography - new and possibly revolutionary method, in a day
Source: Angewandte Chemie

With this new technique, chemical layout of smaller crystals can be determined swiftly with high precision

Using new technique to find out chemical structure, two teams with independent operations worked out structure of various compounds, antibiotics and other substances within few hours. Where other older techniques could have taken from few months up to a year, this new technique made it possible to obtain result within 30 mins to a day, depending upon molecular structure.
Team which has published its work in Angewandte Chemie, a journal of German Chemical Society, on 16th October, comprised member of several Swizz and German institutes. While other team included members from Howard Huges Medical Institute and The University of California, published a paper describing their work at ChemRxiv dated October, 17By using similar technique, both teams tried to observe the structure of over-the-counter medicines.
Image of Structure of heterogeneous compound
Four different compounds are identified from a heterogeneous mixture using microED data
Credit: ChemRxiv
“It’s important to know the atom-by-atom structure of every substance that comes across molecular scientists. Pharmaceutical companies confirm drugs’ composition and purity by understanding chemical structure of drug. Most techniques used till date are like having a fingerprint or an artist’s drawing, when what required is a photo” clarifies coauthor of the ChemRxiv study an organic chemist Brian Stoltz, Caltech.

"The findings will change the way everyone works in this field.” commented Donna Huryn, organic & medical chemist, University of Pittsburgh on whole issue. Although Donna wasn’t part of either of team.
Image of structure of MBBF4
Structure of Methylene blue derivative solved with electron crystallography (a) Structure of methylene blue derivative (b) Stacking of molecules in a crystal
Credit: Angewandte Chemie
Tim Gruene of the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland and team split opened a cold medication capsule comprising both active and inactive ingredients, paper published in Angewandte Chemie reveals. The researchers resolved chemical structure of acetaminophen from the heap of powder with the help of electron crystallography. Using similar technique, Tim and his team determined the structure of methylene blue derivative.

“That earlier solved structure isn’t exciting, but the fact that it came from a mixture of several unalike molecules is” Gruene says. Talking about applications of the newly developed technique, Gruene shared “This technique surely will benefit crime labs examining trace samples. As the method unambiguously confirms structures from smashed pills, it could also be valuable in disputed drug patent cases".
Image of NMR spectroscopy
NMR Spectroscopy
Chemists these days have two major options to distinguish the chemical structure of crystals. First one is NMR or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy which works upon distressing the magnetic behavior of atoms in a crystal followed by analysis of their behavior to conclude the chemical structure of that crystal.

This technique comes with a drawback that it can be applied only to large crystals with one side measuring minimum 50 micrometers. Such large crystals are not easy to obtain and when obtained, finding their chemical structure is a hard nut to crack as it involves large and complex calculations, applications of quantum chemistry along with whole lot of time.
X-Ray Crystallography

Second one is commonly used technique now a days, X-Ray Crystallography. This method involves firing of X-rays upon a crystal i.e. rocky substance made up of systematic arrangement of molecules, and noticing the diffraction patterns obtained to conclude the chemical structure. It also possesses same problem as NMR does.

Both teams in a new approach, replaced X-rays with electrons beam to get the structure of very small crystals. Study of respective diffraction patterns caused when electrons were bombarded upon crystal, yielded the chemical structure of crystal. Electrons bounce off matter whereas X-rays most of the time, pass through matter” explains Tamir Gonen, an electron crystallography expert at UCLA and a coauthor of paper published in  ChemRxiv.

Citations and Sources:
Gruene, T. , Wennmacher, J. ., Zaubitzer, C. , Holstein, J. ., Heidler, J. , Fecteau-Lefebvre, A. , De Carlo, S. , Müller, E. , Goldie, K. ., Regeni, I. , Li, T. , Santiso-Quinones, G. , Steinfeld, G. , Handschin, S. , van Genderen, E. , van Bokhoven, J. ., Clever, G. . and Pantelic, R. (2018), Rapid structure determination of microcrystalline molecular compounds using electron diffraction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. . doi:10.1002/anie.201811318G.

G. Jones, Christopher; Martynowycz, Michael W.; Hattne, Johan; Fulton, Tyler J.; Stoltz, Brian M.; Rodriguez, Jose A.; et al. (2018): The CryoEM Method MicroED as a Powerful Tool for Small Molecule Structure Determination. ChemRxiv. Preprint.