
Thursday, November 1

Researchers have discovered marijuana’s comrade in Liverworts

In=mage of radula perrottetii
Weed Theory: Radula perrottetii, has striking similarities with THC (terahydrocannabinol) - psychoactive agent found in marijuana Credit: Stefan Fisher, University of Bern

Chemical found in a type of moss with mild hypnotic effect, showed similarities with THC

Until now, scientists though that psychoactive cannabinoids are found in marijuana only, but a recent research prove them wrong. A compound found through an investigation of liverwort shows striking similarity with THC, except its hypnotic effect, researchers establish. It also employs anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects superior to that of THC, reports research team.

According to online testimonials, Radula Perrotteti, said liverwort, is an “Amazing Plant” with “Narcotic Effects”. Upon inhaling, it offers “mild high feeling” resembling to marijuana, those who have experienced it says.
Synthesis of cis or trans PET
Source: Science Advances
In an experiment, more than 100 mice were injected with the synthetic perrottetinene abbr. PET-chemical resembling to THC-after mapping its chemical structure. Researchers paid a close look at mice’s pain response, body temperature, in order to measure psychoactivity of the drug. After an hour, mice showed unusual movement, loss in body temperature and lesser response towards pain, according to report published in Science Advances on October, 24.

“Psychoactivity of PET might be slightly lesser than that of THC. It also may have lesser side effects compared to Marijuana” states biochemist Jurg Gertesh, a senior author of the study.

In another experiment, when PET (perrottetinene) was exposed to brain cells, researcher noticed that PET affected some of the identical cannabinoid receptors in brain as THC affects. But unlike THC, PET helped in reducing prostaglandins levels, a chemical that can result in detrimental infection,  amazed with the findings, researchers reported. PET could possess lesser adverse effect than THC, Mechoulam, uninvolved in the study nodded to the fact.
Image of Raphael Mechoulam
Raphael Mechoulam

Raphael Mechoulam is credited for first time isolation of pure THC or tetrahydrocannabinol (principal psychoactive and mind altering compound found in marijuana) in 1964 at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. Afterwards, scientists started examining interaction of cannabinoids with human body which ultimately leads to the discovery of human brain’s own cannabinoid compound.

In the year of 1994, phytochemist Yoshinari Asakawa of Japan, while studying plant Radula Perrottetii came across with a substance that was related to THC, naming this new discovered compound perrottinene or PET, which was later found present in two other liverwort species.

“We are first to study structure of PET and its effect on human brain”, claim the researchers. This study also disclosed that PET of genus Radula and THC of marijuana have same molecular structure and both readily penetrates brain inducing hypothermia, hypo locomotion and catalepsy.

Only three species of liverworts from genus Radula are found in some regions of Japan, Costa Rica, New Zealand and Tasmania so far. The fact that it reproduces without seeds is a hurdle in way for its mass cultivation. Pharmaceutical firms will manufacture synthetic PET which has potential of becoming marijuana’s alternative, speculates research team.

Citations: Uncovering the psychoactivity of a cannabinoid from liverworts associated with a legal high BY A. CHICCAM. A. SCHAFROTHI. REYNOSO-MORENOR. ERNIV. PETRUCCIE. M. CARREIRAJ. GERTSCH SCIENCE ADVANCES 24 OCT 2018: EAAT2166

1 comment:

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