
Friday, November 2

Quantum Computers are One Step Closer of Becoming Daily Deal

Image of Quantum Computers
Scientists at University of Sussex have breakthrough in mitigating environmental "noise"

Scientists in a new breakthrough successfully mitigate environmental “Noise” factor

A squad of scientists at The University of Sussex have been successful in mitigating the effect of environmental "noise" on extremely sensitive operation of a large scale quantum computer. In real world scenario, technology has to function in an imperfect and fluctuation rich environment. Successfully tested in lab, it may fail in outside world composed of fluctuations in voltage from an electronic device and stray electromagnetic field from other electric components. These factors can be collectively called environmental “noise” that hinders working of any technological development in actual atmosphere thus leaving only option of making technologies ‘noise friendly’.

According to an article published in the journal Physical Reviews Letters dated 1st November, Ion Quantum Technology Group of The University of Sussex successfully mitigated the effects of environmental ‘noise’ on trapped ion quantum computers. This breakthrough will open new doors for creation of large scale quantum computers that can prove handy in solving real life complex calculations and problems.

Small scale quantum computers that are operational at present contain quantum bits (component of quantum computers that can store quantum information) or qubits that are small in number. Smaller qubits count restricts these small scale quantum computers to controlled laboratory conditions only as they don’t possess required processing power to solve complex real life problems thanks to their limited qubits quantity.

On other hand, large scale quantum computer, when built, will have ability of calculate and solve highly complex problems which will require present fastest supercomputer a billion year to calculate. Such quantum computer can be pulled into existence by increasing number of qubits, which will result in increased size of quantum computer. It is difficult to isolate a computer with large number of qubits from ‘environmental noise’ which in turn will disrupt its functioning and computation, thus acting as hurdle in track to build large scale quantum computer.

In order to lessen environmental ‘noise’, the team used complicated microwave signals and radio frequency capable of influencing the quantum effects born in separate ion. The execution is based on microwave technology observed in mobile phones. These scientists successfully reduced the effect of external factors on trapped in quantum computer with months of hard work.
Image of Professor W. Hensinger, the University of Sussex
Professor W. Hensinger
Source: The University of Sussex
“We are now one step closer of making large scale quantum computer that can enclose millions of qubits with this advancement. These machines have ability of solving problems that fastest supercomputers will take billions of years to calculate”, says Professor Winfried Hensinger, University of Sussex.

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Pointing out at applications of large scale Quantum computer Professor Hensinger explains “Large scale quantum computers may help us in finding new medicines for diseases such as dementia or creating new pharmaceuticals. They can also aid financial sector including agriculture through more efficient fertilizers among numerous other applications. We have just started to understand their vast potential.”

F. Mintert, W. K. Hensinger. et. al Resilient Entangling Gates for Trapped Ions. , 121 (18) {180501}; Physical Review Letters DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.180501 Published: 1 November, 2018